Showing posts with label C4ISR. Show all posts
Showing posts with label C4ISR. Show all posts

Friday, June 14, 2024

Russia's A-100 Premier AWACS Completes Successful Test Flights, Gears Up for Serial Production


Footage has emerged online showcasing the new Russian long-range radar detection and control aircraft, the A-100 Premier, during its test flights. Reports indicate that the experimental prototype of the A-100 Premier AWACS is nearing the final stages of its testing process.

The prototype is undergoing rigorous full-scale testing for its airborne long-range radar detection system under near-combat conditions. Once these tests are successfully completed, serial production of the aircraft is expected to begin.

The A-100 Premier, equipped with the advanced "Premier" radar system, is based on the upgraded Il-76MD-90A. Developed in 2014 by the Taganrog Aviation Scientific and Technical Complex in collaboration with NGO Vega-M, part of the state corporation Ruselectronica, this aircraft is set to replace the aging A-50 line of AWACS aircraft.

The state-of-the-art A-100 radar system features an active phased array antenna and capabilities in radio-electronic reconnaissance. It includes terminals for secure, stable communication with Russian fighters and anti-aircraft missile systems, vital for target designation across air, ground, and surface targets.

Beyond radar capabilities, the A-100 can receive data from space satellites and control drones, relaying this information to both ground and airborne weapons. It also integrates seamlessly with ground reconnaissance systems like long-range radar, enhancing situational awareness.

Designed as a versatile airborne command center, the A-100 Premier can detect and track up to 350 air, sea, and ground targets simultaneously at distances up to 650 km. It boasts an impressive range of about 5,000 kilometers and can remain airborne for over 10 hours without refueling.

The A-100LL flying laboratory, based on the standard A-50 aircraft, made its first flight in October 2016. By November 2017, the first prototype of the A-100 Premier, developed from the Il-76MD-90A, took to the skies. This prototype's testing was intended to pave the way for mass production, which has been delayed until now, with serial production expected to start in 2024.

In 2020, another A-100 aircraft was reported to be under construction, aiming to join the testing phase. In February 2022, Rostec announced a significant milestone: the first flight of the new A-100 complex equipped with onboard radar technology was successfully conducted.

Looking forward, the introduction of Russia’s latest AWACS A-100 aircraft with the advanced Premier radar system is anticipated by the end of the year, despite the lack of official statements on the matter.

Additionally, in March, Sergey Chemezov, head of Rostec, mentioned plans to modernize and resume production of the A-50U long-range radar detection and control aircraft to meet the current needs of the Russian Armed Forces, alongside the A-100 Premier program.