Showing posts with label 6th Gen. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 6th Gen. Show all posts

Monday, June 24, 2024

China Advances Toward Sixth-Generation Fighter Jet with Significant Progress

 Despite China's notorious secrecy surrounding its defense projects, there are signs of progress in developing a sixth-generation fighter jet. The clearest indication came from a January 2019 WeChat post by the Aviation Industry Corporation of China (AVIC). In an interview, Wang Haifeng, the chief designer at Chengdu Aerospace Corp., an AVIC subsidiary, revealed plans for a combat aircraft designed to "protect the sea and sky" by 2035.

Wang mentioned features such as manned-unmanned teaming, artificial intelligence, enhanced stealth, and omnidirectional sensors. In 2022, U.S. Air Combat Command’s head affirmed these efforts are "on track," noting that China views sixth-gen technology similarly to the U.S., emphasizing stealth, processing power, and reprogrammable open-mission systems.

Rick Joe, a Chinese military expert, now considers these sixth-gen efforts a confirmed program. Since 2019, there have been more indicators, including AVIC artwork of next-gen fighter designs, academic papers, and statements from officials. In October 2021, satellite imagery showed a tailless fighter-like airframe at Chengdu Aerospace facilities.

Joe reported that demonstrator testbeds, possibly subscale versions, have already flown. Without an official name, he referred to the aircraft as the J-XD, noting it might initially have less capable subsystems compared to U.S. equivalents but is closing the technological gap.

Sixth-gen fighters are expected to feature advanced aerodynamic design, radiofrequency materials, flight control software, sensing technologies, data-linking and combat-management systems, weapons, and integration with collaborative drones. Joe believes China is competing on par with other nations pursuing similar capabilities.

However, Brendan Mulvaney, director of the U.S. Air Force’s China Aerospace Studies Institute, expressed a more cautious outlook. While he acknowledges China’s potential to develop advanced fighters in the future, he doubts they have the capability today. He highlighted China’s challenges with jet engine development but noted significant improvements.

Mulvaney suggested that China's future fighter might be optionally manned, allowing for autonomous operations or serving as a loyal wingman. While Chinese drone technology is ambitious, it remains unclear how it will complement a sixth-gen fighter. Joe noted that current Chinese combat drones displayed at air shows are likely not representative of those intended for the People’s Liberation Army (PLA), which are probably more advanced.

The GJ-11 combat drone, unveiled in 2019, exemplifies China's progress in unmanned systems. Joe believes sophisticated combat drones are in advanced development or limited trial service. The J-20 fighter's twin-seat variant, designed for manned-unmanned teaming, could also contribute to these efforts.

If Wang's prediction of an operational sixth-gen fighter by 2035 is accurate, a maiden flight would need to occur by 2028, implying a prototype should be ready soon. While Joe is confident in this timeline, Mulvaney estimates China will reveal a meaningful design in the late 2030s or early 2040s.

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

MBDA Germany Unveils New Long-Range Cruise Missile for Future Combat Air System at Berlin Air Show

 As the European next-generation fighter program, the Future Combat Air System (FCAS), led by France, Germany, and Spain, continues to develop, MBDA Germany has introduced a conceptual standoff-range cruise missile that may become a key component of FCAS.

According to Flight Global, the new missile concept, named ‘remote carrier multi-domain multi-role effector’ (RCM²), was revealed at the ILA Berlin Air Show. The missile is expected to have a strike range exceeding 500 kilometers.

A replica of the approximately 4-meter-long design is on display at the FCAS exhibit at the ILA Berlin Air Show, which began on June 5 and will continue until June 9.

Thomas Gottschild, managing director of MBDA Germany, stated that the RCM² would be suitable for various missions, with performance comparable to the current Taurus cruise missile.

The Taurus missile is known for its long range of about 500 kilometers, advanced navigation systems, and high accuracy. Its terrain-contour matching navigation system makes it less susceptible to electronic jamming, and its extended range enhances the safety of fighter jet pilots. However, Gottschild emphasized that the RCM² would offer additional capabilities, such as carrying different payloads, including a kinetic warhead or electronic combat and jamming tools, making it versatile for various scenarios.

Without an extended booster, the RCM² is expected to have a launch weight under 340 kilograms. It will be equipped with an imaging infrared seeker, an inertial navigation system, and a turbofan engine.

This missile's unveiling comes at a time when FCAS is gaining momentum after experiencing delays and difficulties among the three partner nations. Gottschild also mentioned a joint project with Rheinmetall to develop a small anti-drone missile.

Furthermore, Gottschild has urged Germany to consider integrating the Meteor air-to-air missile from MBDA with its incoming fleet of 35 Lockheed Martin F-35A aircraft.

MBDA was not the only company to make headlines at the Berlin Air Show. Airbus revealed a full-sized model of its futuristic unmanned wingman concept aircraft and announced a new collaboration with German AI startup Helsing to develop AI capabilities for the airframe.

The new aircraft, known as Wingman, is designed to meet the evolving operational needs of the German Air Force. According to Airbus, it will operate alongside manned combat aircraft, such as the Eurofighter Typhoon, to enhance capability and maintain air superiority. The Wingman will be controlled by a manned fighter jet pilot, adhering to human-in-the-loop protocols.

Additionally, Chancellor Olaf Scholz announced that Germany would purchase several Eurofighter Typhoons.

Germany Expands Eurofighter Fleet with New Order of 20 Jets Amid Defense Boost

 Germany has announced plans to purchase an additional 20 Eurofighter combat aircraft, supplementing an existing order of 38 jets. This decision aims to strengthen the nation's defense capabilities and support the aerospace industry, according to Chancellor Olaf Scholz. The announcement was made on the first day of the Berlin Air Show, highlighting how the influx of defense funds, spurred by Russia's invasion of Ukraine, has revitalized the aerospace sector.

The new Eurofighters, with an estimated cost of €2 billion (approximately $2.2 billion), will ensure continuous production for Airbus, the aircraft manufacturer. Scholz hinted at potential future exports of the Eurofighter, developed in collaboration with the UK, Italy, and Spain, suggesting more orders could follow.

Besides these four core countries, the Eurofighter is also part of the air fleets of Austria, Saudi Arabia, Oman, Kuwait, and Qatar. However, exports to Middle Eastern nations with poor human rights records occasionally cause political tensions in Germany, and by extension, with other European co-producers who are less concerned about such issues. Germany's current stance allows Saudi Arabia to purchase additional Eurofighters through Britain as the intermediary.

Currently, Airbus is producing a batch of 38 Eurofighters in the Quadriga configuration, costing nearly $6 billion, with the final deliveries expected by 2030. Additionally, Germany is collaborating with France and Spain on the Future Combat Air System (FCAS), a next-generation aircraft projected to debut in 2040, though delays seem likely.

To mitigate potential setbacks with the FCAS program, Germany and France are enhancing their existing fleets—Germany with the Eurofighter and France with the Rafale—despite asserting that there is no substitute for the FCAS.

Sunday, June 2, 2024

China’s J-20 Stealth Fighter Continually Upgraded, New Next-Gen Aircraft Imminent

 Following displays of air power against Taiwan and India, a pilot from the Chinese People’s Liberation Army Air Force (PLAAF) announced that the J-20 Mighty Dragon is undergoing continuous upgrades to meet its combat objectives.

The Global Times, a state-owned publication, reported that a top test pilot of the J-20 stealth fighter jet revealed that the aircraft is receiving ongoing upgrades, with a next-generation warplane expected to debut soon. Test pilot Li Gang, speaking on China Central Television (CCTV), stated, "The J-20 is constantly improving, keeping pace with the times, and continuously perfecting its mission system to achieve its expected combat objectives."

Li hinted at the imminent introduction of a new aircraft, though he did not specify its type. China is known to be developing a sixth-generation fighter, similar to the efforts of the US and Europe.

In February 2023, the Aviation Industry Corporation of China (AVIC) shared a concept for a sixth-generation fighter featuring diamond-shaped wings and a tailless design. However, as reported by EurAsian Times, China is still working on improving basic radar, avionics, and engine technologies.

Chinese commentators emphasized that China would not rest on the success of the J-20 while other nations, like the US, are developing next-generation fighter jets. The US is progressing with the Next Generation Air Dominance (NGAD) system.

While a new Chinese aircraft might be years away, the J-20 has become a key asset for the PLAAF, deployed in all five military theaters. It has been stationed near the contentious border with India and has participated in military drills targeting Taiwan, demonstrating its readiness for future combat scenarios.

Chinese military aviation specialist Fu Qianshao highlighted that China's aviation technologies have advanced rapidly since the J-20's initial test flight. While some have doubted the J-20's stealth capabilities, Fu stressed that it incorporates the latest technologies, including new engines and aerodynamic, avionics, radar, software, and material modifications.

Fu compared the J-20 to the US Air Force's F-22 Raptors, noting that the F-22 has not seen significant updates since its development and is aging. He argued that the J-20 is currently the most advanced fighter jet globally.

Although the F-22 has received upgrades, particularly in the Block 30/35 versions, the J-20's continuous enhancements highlight China's commitment to advancing its stealth fighter capabilities. The J-20's upgrades include potentially increasing its missile capacity, adding thrust-vectoring engine nozzles, and installing higher-thrust WS-15 engines for supercruise capability.

Additionally, a twin-seater J-20 model, possibly for autonomous escort control, is in development. This model might also serve as a tactical electronic jammer and advanced early warning aircraft.

Reports suggest that the J-20 could have an edge over the F-22 due to its ability to carry multiple missiles like the PL-15, which may have a longer range than the US AIM-120 AMRAAM.

As tensions rise between the US and China, the J-20 poses a significant challenge to US air superiority. With around 200 J-20 fighters in service and more in production, the J-20 represents a formidable threat to the US and its allies.