Showing posts with label Ukriane. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ukriane. Show all posts

Thursday, May 30, 2024

Ukrainian Military Criticizes US Abrams Tanks: Vulnerabilities and Battlefield Challenges Revealed

 The reputation of the US-supplied Abrams tanks, once considered a game-changer for Ukraine’s military, is now under heavy scrutiny. Ukrainian soldiers have reported weaknesses and flaws in these American vehicles, raising doubts about their effectiveness in the ongoing conflict with Russian forces.

Initially, the deployment of Abrams tanks, specifically the M1A1 models, was intended to bolster Ukraine's resistance. In January 2023, following persistent lobbying by Ukrainian officials, the US agreed to send 31 Abrams tanks. Each costing approximately $10 million, these tanks were expected to breach Russian defensive lines. By October 2023, all 31 tanks had arrived in Ukraine, igniting hopes for a strategic advantage.

However, battlefield experiences have revealed significant challenges. At least five Abrams tanks have been destroyed by Russian attacks, particularly from drones, undermining their anticipated impact. Ukrainian tank crews trained in Germany expressed concerns about the tanks’ armor, stating it is not strong enough to protect against modern weapons.

"The tank’s armor is not sufficient for this moment," said one crew member, known as Joker. "It doesn’t protect the crew. For real, today, this is the war of drones. So now, when the tank rolls out, they always try to hit them." Another crew member, Dnipro, highlighted that Abrams tanks have become the "number one target" on the battlefield, emphasizing the high risk to soldiers.

Despite reports suggesting a withdrawal of Abrams tanks from the front lines, officials from the 47th Mechanized Brigade confirmed that all Abrams tanks remain near the eastern front. Technical issues have further compounded the tanks' challenges. During a CNN visit, one tank was immobilized due to an engine problem despite being newly shipped from Poland. Additionally, rain or fog can cause condensation, potentially damaging the vehicle's electronics.

The crews also face ammunition issues, with the current supplies being unsuitable for their combat needs. "What we have is more for direct tank-to-tank fights, which happens very rarely," Joker explained. "More often, we work as artillery. You need to take apart a tree line or a building. We had a case when we fired 17 rounds into a house, and it was still standing."

Why Are Abrams Tanks Facing Challenges?

Main Battle Tanks (MBTs) play a critical role in modern high-intensity land warfare. The conflict between Russia and Ukraine has shown that large-scale offensive operations require an adequate supply of these powerful machines. However, several factors have contributed to the struggles of US-supplied Abrams tanks on the Ukrainian frontlines.

Some Western sources have criticized Ukrainian leadership for poor operational planning. However, Ukraine's armed forces are at a severe disadvantage against a well-armed and deeply entrenched Russian Army. The effectiveness of Abrams tanks has also been hindered by the lack of crucial aerial support, which is vital for modern armored warfare. Ukrainian tank crews noted the critical difference between NATO and Ukrainian battlefield conditions. Abrams tanks were designed for a NATO style of warfare, which heavily relies on air power and artillery to prepare the battlefield before tanks and infantry advance. Kyiv has often expressed frustration over the lack of adequate artillery and air power.

Joker, a Ukrainian tank crew member, explained that NATO soldiers would never undertake similar advances without air support. "Call the aviation, call the artillery," he mimicked a NATO soldier, pointing out that Ukraine has neither adequate aviation nor artillery, only tanks.

Entrenched defenses can only be breached with decisive airpower and massing heavy armor. Without airpower, this tactic requires numerous tanks, but Kyiv's current arsenal is a patchwork of different vehicles. While Washington has supplied 31 Abrams tanks to Ukraine, experts argue that at least two brigades of Abrams tanks—approximately 200—are needed in a coordinated effort to make an impact on the battlefield.

Despite their advanced design and capabilities, the limited number of Abrams tanks cannot overcome the well-fortified Russian defenses. Ukraine has become a graveyard for tanks, as even these advanced vehicles succumb to the harsh realities of the battlefield.