Showing posts with label NASA. Show all posts
Showing posts with label NASA. Show all posts

Friday, July 12, 2024

US Air Force to Arm C-17 Globemaster with Hypersonic Missiles: Boeing Unveils New 'Revolver' Launch System

 The US Air Force's second-largest airlifter, the C-17 Globemaster III, is set to gain significant offensive capabilities. Boeing has introduced the "Revolver" launch system, which will enable the aircraft to launch multiple hypersonic missiles from its cargo bay. This adaptation aligns with the USAF's strategy to enhance the offensive capabilities of airlifters like the C-17 and C-130J, particularly in the Indo-Pacific region where conflicts with China may arise.

The USAF's plan anticipates that cargo and tanker planes will need to provide more than logistical support in potential confrontations with powerful adversaries like Russia or China. The Revolver system is designed to integrate X-51A Waverider hypersonic cruise missiles, allowing the launch of 12 missiles using an advanced drum and electromagnetic catapult mechanism. These missiles, known for their scramjet engines, can exceed Mach 5, offering long-range precision strikes.

Originally intended for the B-52 Stratofortress, the X-51 program involved collaboration among the Air Force, DARPA, NASA, Boeing, and Pratt & Whitney Rocketdyne. Although the X-51 was scheduled for mid-2020s service, delays have pushed back its deployment.

In 2013, the X-51A achieved a historic hypersonic flight, maintaining scramjet power for three and a half minutes at Mach 5.1. Boeing showcased the Revolver concept in a video, emphasizing its versatility and enhanced capabilities for the C-17.

The C-17, capable of transporting 102 paratroopers, 54 patients, or 85 tons of cargo, is a critical asset for global operations. With the Revolver launcher, it will also serve in missile deployment, enhancing its role in modern military logistics.

Boeing's efforts in hypersonic technology also include the DARPA Glide Breaker program, aiming to develop a hypersonic interceptor prototype. Meanwhile, China's advancements in hypersonic weaponry pose a significant challenge, with the US making substantial investments to close the gap, including a $756 million contract with Lockheed Martin for ground-based hypersonic systems.

The USAF tested a hypersonic cruise missile in the Pacific in March, demonstrating its commitment to remaining competitive. Recent exercises with the C-17 have involved loading and unloading missile cradles, illustrating its flexibility to operate from various airfields.

The Rapid Dragon project explores deploying cruise missiles from cargo planes, allowing C-17s to carry out offensive missions with minimal modifications. This approach is seen as cost-effective, providing strategic advantages by leveraging existing transport fleets.

China is wary of this capability, recognizing the difficulty in tracking cargo planes capable of launching missiles from unexpected locations. Overall, the C-17's transformation into a missile-carrying aircraft exemplifies the evolving strategies in modern warfare, with significant implications for global military dynamics.

Friday, May 31, 2024

Space Force Plans High-Tech, Multi-Orbit Narrowband SATCOM for Enhanced Resilience


This week, the U.S. Space Force revealed its future vision for narrowband satellite communications, potentially involving numerous advanced satellites in multiple orbits.

Current narrowband communication satellites, part of the Mobile User Objective System (MUOS) constellation, provide secure cellular voice and data services to military forces globally. These satellites operate in the narrowband frequency range, which ensures less susceptibility to adverse weather and challenging terrain, enhancing secure communications.

On May 29, the Space Force announced its desire for future narrowband satellites to be more resilient, cost-effective, and quickly deployable. The detailed plans are still under development, with completion expected later this year.

"The U.S. military must maintain its asymmetric advantage in a contested, degraded, and operationally limited space environment," the Space Force stated. "Narrowband SATCOM capabilities are critical for the U.S. military and its allies, and they must evolve to meet expanding needs, leverage emerging technologies, and counter future threats."

The service envisions the new satellites in medium Earth orbit (MEO), situated between 1,200 and 22,000 miles above sea level, compared to the current geostationary orbit at 22,000 miles.

The Space Force currently has four MUOS satellites and one spare, built by Lockheed Martin, each carrying dual payloads for legacy Ultra High Frequency Network and Wideband Code Division Multiple Access (WCDMA) capabilities. To sustain the constellation until 2035, the service plans to launch two additional satellites, with prototypes being developed by Lockheed and Boeing under $66 million contracts due by July 2025. A final selection is expected by FY26, with launches planned for FY31.

The new satellites will bridge to the future narrowband architecture. The Space Force is considering whether current ground terminals can operate with MEO satellites without significant upgrades, seeking feedback from companies on potential modifications and associated technical and schedule risks.

The Space Force's notice also inquires about the role of commercial systems in the future architecture. The service's commercial space strategy, released in April, highlights satellite communications as a prime area for commercial collaboration, aiming to integrate commercial networks into a resilient hybrid architecture.

"The USSF will enhance resilience through integrating proliferated commercial networks into hybrid architectures and offset future investments in government-owned capabilities," the Space Force emphasized.