Saturday, June 15, 2024

US Air Force to Regularly Overhaul CCA Drones for Cost-Effective Combat Efficiency

 The U.S. Air Force's current aircraft fleet, comprising fighters, bombers, and tankers, includes models that have been in operation for decades. However, the new collaborative combat aircraft (CCA) drones, which will fly alongside manned fighters, are unlikely to last as long. Chief of Staff Gen. David Allvin indicated that these drones would need to be replaced or significantly overhauled within a generation.

Speaking at the Air and Space Forces Association in Arlington, Virginia, Allvin emphasized that planning for regular replacements of CCAs is crucial for maintaining their simplicity and cost-effectiveness, allowing for their deployment in large numbers.

"I don't want CCAs that last 25 to 30 years," Allvin stated. "If they do, they’d need to perform a multitude of tasks, which would drive up costs." Instead, he suggested that simpler, single-purpose drones would be more affordable and feasible to field in significant quantities.

Air Force officials have frequently discussed the necessity of CCAs to support crewed fighters and achieve "affordable mass." Allvin warned that a smaller fleet of expensive drone wingmen would hinder this objective. He envisions rapid technological advancements making a decade-old CCA outdated, thus requiring replacements or significant updates with new technology.

“These CCAs may not stay relevant for long but could be adaptable thanks to built-in modularity,” Allvin noted.

Air Force Secretary Frank Kendall has instructed the service to aim for a fleet of about 1,000 CCAs to accompany the F-35A Joint Strike Fighter and the upcoming Next Generation Air Dominance fighter. The roles of CCAs will likely include strike missions, intelligence gathering, reconnaissance, electronic warfare, and decoy operations.

Kendall also emphasized the need for the CCA program to remain affordable, with each drone costing significantly less than an F-35. In April, the Air Force selected Anduril and General Atomics to develop and produce test aircraft for their CCA concepts.

During the event, Allvin acknowledged the financial pressures the Air Force faces, such as inflation and limited budgets. He highlighted the need to define what an effective future Air Force looks like and how much it depends on external resources.

When asked about the potential production of the Next Generation Air Dominance (NGAD) fighter, Allvin did not make a firm commitment, indicating that decisions would unfold over the next few years.

Russian Military Aircraft Breach Finnish Airspace

 On June 10, the Finnish Ministry of Defense reported a suspected incursion into Finnish airspace by a Russian military aircraft near Loviisa, a town less than 100 km from Helsinki. This day saw significant Russian air activity, including flights by several Tu-95MS and Tu-22M3 strategic bombers, escorted by Su-30SM, Su-27, and Su-33 fighters over the Barents Sea, Norwegian Sea, and Baltic Sea.

Additionally, German Eurofighter EF-2000 jets stationed in NATO's Latvia were dispatched to intercept two Su-27 fighters and an Il-20 Coot electronic reconnaissance aircraft operating near the Baltic states without prior flight plans or active transponders.

According to the Finnish Ministry of Defense, the Russian aircraft reportedly penetrated 2.5 km (1.55 miles) into Finnish territory before turning back, with the incursion lasting around two minutes. Finnish Defense Minister Antti Hakkanen emphasized the seriousness of any suspected territorial violation, noting that preliminary investigations are conducted in such cases.

Four days later, the investigation revealed the situation was more serious than initially thought. The Finnish Border Guard Agency, under the Ministry's jurisdiction, discovered that at least three additional aircraft were involved in the breach, totaling four aircraft: two bombers and two fighters. The investigation continues, and final results will be shared upon completion.

Interestingly, the Finnish Air Force, despite deploying four F/A-18 Hornets in Romania under NATO, did not initially respond to this incident. This was not addressed in the Ministry of Defense's first press release. However, back in August 2022, one of their fighter jets intercepted two MiG-31s that briefly entered Finnish airspace, coinciding with Russia's nuclear exercises with Belarus.

Historical Context:

Finland, once part of the Kingdom of Sweden for over 600 years, was ceded to the Russian Empire in 1809, gaining a special autonomous status as a grand duchy. After the Russian Empire's collapse in 1917, Finland declared independence. The Winter War of 1940 tested Finland's independence, with the Soviet Union annexing parts of the country despite Finland's strong defense. This left lasting concerns about potential future conflicts with Russia.

During the Cold War, Finland maintained its independence but could not strongly oppose the Soviet Union, a period known as "Finlandization." After the Soviet Union's fall, Finland joined the European Union and NATO, achieving full political freedom.

Finland has since prepared for potential conflict with Russia, evident in its defense strategy, which includes remote highways set up for fighter jets. This allows for quick mobilization of its air force, assuming regular air bases might be initial targets in a conflict. Finland's "total defense" strategy, according to the Financial Times, showcases a robust Finnish Air Force, currently operating F/A-18 fighter jets soon to be upgraded to advanced F-35 Lightning IIs.

Indonesia Considers Chinese YJ-12E Anti-Ship Missiles Amid South China Sea Tensions

 Indonesia is reportedly contemplating the purchase of YJ-12E anti-ship missiles from China, as indicated by Malaysian media. The defense portal noted Indonesia’s interest in acquiring these missiles, raising eyebrows given the ongoing maritime border dispute between Indonesia and China in the South China Sea. This potential acquisition might be driven by political motivations beyond mere defense enhancements.

The South China Morning Post cited Indonesian analysts suggesting that the arms deal could symbolize a strategic political gesture, reassuring China that Indonesia is not a threat. An Indonesian military expert drew parallels to Malaysia's purchase of Keris patrol boats from China, intended to convey a non-confrontational stance towards China.

Moreover, reports indicate that Indonesia is considering collaboration with China for the production of the YJ-12E missile. Previously, Indonesia has partnered with Turkey to procure Atmaca anti-ship missiles and is currently negotiating joint production with Turkey. Malaysia has followed Indonesia's lead by expressing interest in a partnership with Turkish aerospace manufacturer Roketsan to produce Atmaca missiles.

STM General Manager Özger Gülerüz confirmed that Roketsan will supply Atmaca missiles to Malaysia, making it the second ASEAN nation after Indonesia to acquire this technology. The Atmaca is a sophisticated anti-ship missile with a range of up to 200 kilometers, and Indonesia is set to receive 45 Atmaca missiles to enhance its naval defenses. These missiles will be deployed on Fatahillah-class, Parhum-class, and KCR FPB 57 corvettes, bolstering their capabilities against enemy ships.

While Atmaca missiles will be stationed on warships, the YJ-12E is intended for shore-based military posts. Indonesian military experts suggest that the Atmaca and YJ-12E will complement each other in national defense. Should Malaysia also procure the Atmaca, they might consider the YJ-12E due to the synergy between these systems.

The YJ-12E, an export variant of China's YJ-12, is a supersonic anti-ship missile designed to target large naval vessels, including aircraft carriers. Known for its speed and maneuverability, it poses a significant threat in maritime warfare. The missile measures approximately 6.3 meters in length and 0.76 meters in diameter, allowing it to carry a substantial warhead while maintaining a streamlined profile for high-speed travel.

Powered by a solid rocket booster for initial launch and a ramjet engine for sustained supersonic cruise, the YJ-12E can achieve speeds of up to Mach 3, performing evasive maneuvers to evade interception. It can be launched from various platforms, including aircraft, surface ships, and potentially land-based launchers, enhancing its operational flexibility.

Equipped with a high-explosive warhead, the YJ-12E is designed to inflict maximum damage upon impact. Its high speed increases the kinetic energy, enhancing its destructive capability. With an operational range of approximately 400 kilometers, the YJ-12E can engage targets from a considerable distance, providing a strategic advantage by keeping launch platforms out of enemy defense range.

Chinese Researchers Analyze F-35 vs. F-22: Which Stealth Fighter Poses a Greater Threat to PLAAF?

 Recently, US Indo-Pacific Command's Admiral Samuel Paparo discussed a “Hellscape” strategy to counter China, predicting a strong drone force could severely challenge any Chinese invasion of Taiwan. General Kenneth Wilsbach, Commander of the Pacific Air Forces, argued in March 2022 that using expendable unmanned aircraft against China would be more effective than deploying high-end stealth fighters like the F-35s or F-22s.

While many analysts view the F-22 Raptors as the primary threat to Beijing, Chinese researchers have a different perspective. In April last year, they conducted a study comparing the US stealth fighters F-35 and F-22, concluding that the F-35 Lightning II presents a greater threat than the F-22 Raptors.

Despite the F-22’s reputation as a formidable stealth aircraft, the study published in the Chinese-language journal Modern Defense Technology found the F-35 poses a more significant threat to Chinese military defenses. The research evaluated the impact of these aircraft during various stages of a counter-air operation near China’s coastline.

The study suggests that the F-35A, with its advanced avionics and multirole capabilities, is more adaptable and effective in potential conflicts in the Indo-Pacific region. Researchers noted that the F-35's ability to perform multiple functions and its versatility in various missions give it an edge over the F-22.

The F-35 has become a vital asset in the region due to its advanced technology and remarkable adaptability. The US and its allies operate many F-35s near China, whereas the F-22s are fewer in number and solely operated by the US Air Force, often on a rotational basis. By 2035, over 300 F-35s are expected to be deployed in the Indo-Pacific, with operators including Australia, Japan, Singapore, South Korea, and the US.

To counter the F-35 threat, Bao Junchen from the National University of Defense Technology and a team from the People’s Liberation Army’s Unit 31649 in Guangdong propose a dual strategy. They recommend enhancing electronic warfare capabilities for "soft kill" actions and developing physical weapons for "hard kill" responses. The F-35A's roles as both an intelligence-gathering sensor and a primary escort for forward attacks call for both non-destructive and destructive countermeasures.

China views the US’s penetrating counter-air operation strategy as a significant threat and is heavily investing in military capabilities to counteract US power in the Asia-Pacific. The US maintains a strong military presence in the region, with bases in Japan, South Korea, and Guam. In response, China has deployed advanced systems like the HQ-9 missile system and the J-20 stealth fighter, increasing production of the latter.

These weapons are intended to counter US air defenses and target high-value assets such as airfields and command centers. The study emphasizes that analyzing the F-22 and F-35 can help China develop effective countermeasures and protect its airspace. Additionally, the research advocates for a coordinated strategy to counter B-2 and B-1B bombers, which pose a threat when penetrating deeper into Chinese territory. A multi-dimensional approach using various platforms from air, land, sea, and space is recommended.

Although the study found the MQ-9 drone less threatening, it warned against ignoring advanced drones like the XQ-58A and RQ-180. The researchers used an analytic hierarchy process (AHP) to evaluate each aircraft’s threat level, offering a nuanced assessment. However, the lack of raw data due to military sensitivity makes independent verification challenging.

US Conducts Successful First Hypersonic Test Bed Flight Amid Rising Tensions with China and Russia

 The US Missile Defense Agency (MDA) has achieved a significant milestone in its hypersonic program with the successful completion of the first flight of its Hypersonic Test Bed (HTB). Designed as a unified platform for all hypersonic experiments, the HTB aims to advance the US's hypersonic capabilities.

During the HTB-1 test, the vehicle achieved hypersonic flight, allowing for the collection of valuable data from various internal and external experiments. MDA Director Lt. Gen. Heath Collins described the test as a major success, marking the beginning of a cost-effective platform for conducting hypersonic experiments. "HTB-1 represents a significant step forward in hypersonic testing capability," Collins stated.

The MDA highlighted that the HTB will be crucial in accelerating the development and deployment of hypersonic technologies, enhancing the US's ability to conduct frequent and varied tests. This capability is essential for advancing state-of-the-art technologies that can reliably operate in hypersonic flight conditions, according to Collins.

Collaborating with numerous partners, the MDA aims to use data from these tests to develop advanced capabilities for a comprehensive hypersonic defense system. As the leading agency for hypersonic defense, the MDA is working to outpace the threats posed by the hypersonic advancements of Russia and China.

Both Russia and China have developed multiple hypersonic weapons, placing the US in a position to catch up. The MDA's hypersonic test bed joins a growing array of high-speed flight test devices, providing a versatile platform for various hypersonic experiments. This includes contributions from the Defense Innovation Unit's Hypersonic and High-Cadence Airborne Testing Capabilities program and the Test Resource Management Center's Multi-Service Advanced Capability Hypersonic Test Bed.

While the MDA has not disclosed details about the creators of the HTB, the agency announced that advanced missile tracking satellites captured their first images of the hypersonic flight test. Although the departure time from Wallops Island, Virginia, was not revealed, the agency confirmed that initial reports showed successful data collection from the sensors.

Lt. Gen. Collins mentioned that this first calibration flight is a precursor to another test bed launch later this year. The Hypersonic and Ballistic Tracking Space Sensors (HBTSS) satellites, part of the Space Development Agency's constellation, played a crucial role in tracking the hypersonic flight. These sensors are designed to detect and monitor hypersonic weapons traveling at speeds of Mach 5 or greater.

Currently, there are ten missile-tracking satellites in space, shared between the MDA and the Space Development Agency (SDA). Despite the different development projects for these sensors, the HBTSS medium-field-of-view sensor will be integrated into future SDA spacecraft iterations, enhancing the ability to track dim targets and relay data to interceptors.

Eventually, a constellation of 100 satellites will provide global coverage for advanced missile launches. However, the current limited fleet offers restricted coverage, necessitating careful coordination of satellite monitoring opportunities to ensure they are positioned over test venues and hotspots worldwide.