Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Armenia Shifts Defense Strategy: Exploring Barak 8 Missile System Amidst Diversification Efforts


Armenia is gradually moving away from its dependence on Russian arms suppliers, adopting more favorable domestic and international policies. Notably, Armenia is showing interest in the Barak 8 surface-to-air missile system, a joint development between India and Israel, also known as LR-SAM or MR-SAM.

The Barak 8 missile system is a collaborative effort between India’s Defense Research and Development Organization (DRDO) and Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI). It is designed to provide a comprehensive air defense solution against various aerial threats. The system includes multifunctional surveillance and threat alert radar, a command and control system, and mobile launchers, ensuring robust defense capabilities.

The Barak 8 missile measures approximately 4.5 meters in length and 0.225 meters in diameter, with a weight of around 275 kilograms. Its lightweight design allows deployment on various platforms, including naval ships and land-based launchers. The missile's advanced features include an active radar seeker for precise target tracking and engagement, a two-way data link for mid-course guidance updates, and a thrust vector control system that enhances agility and maneuverability.

The Barak 8 system consists of several key components and subsystems: the missile itself, a vertical launch system (VLS) for rapid deployment, the EL/M-2248 MF-STAR radar for target detection and tracking, and a command and control system for mission planning and execution. This integration ensures a comprehensive and effective air defense capability.

With an operational range of approximately 70-100 kilometers, the Barak 8 missile can engage threats at significant distances, providing wide-area coverage and enhancing the defensive perimeter of protected assets. It is effective against various aerial threats, including aircraft, helicopters, unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), and missiles, making it a versatile tool for modern air defense.

Armenia is seeking more modern and effective equivalents to its current surface-to-air missile systems, such as the Russian-developed S-300 system, which defends against aircraft, cruise missiles, and ballistic missiles. The Armenian military also operates the highly mobile Tor-M2KM system, capable of engaging a variety of aerial threats, and the 9K33 Osa system, which provides short-range air defense against aircraft and helicopters.

Armenia has shown interest in the Akash-NG, an advanced variant of the Indian Akash missile system. However, the Indian government has not yet approved the production of the Akash-NG, meaning it might take at least three years for Armenia to acquire it. Given these circumstances, Armenia is currently favoring the MR-SAM due to its immediate availability and established production capabilities.

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