Saturday, June 15, 2024

Chinese Researchers Analyze F-35 vs. F-22: Which Stealth Fighter Poses a Greater Threat to PLAAF?

 Recently, US Indo-Pacific Command's Admiral Samuel Paparo discussed a “Hellscape” strategy to counter China, predicting a strong drone force could severely challenge any Chinese invasion of Taiwan. General Kenneth Wilsbach, Commander of the Pacific Air Forces, argued in March 2022 that using expendable unmanned aircraft against China would be more effective than deploying high-end stealth fighters like the F-35s or F-22s.

While many analysts view the F-22 Raptors as the primary threat to Beijing, Chinese researchers have a different perspective. In April last year, they conducted a study comparing the US stealth fighters F-35 and F-22, concluding that the F-35 Lightning II presents a greater threat than the F-22 Raptors.

Despite the F-22’s reputation as a formidable stealth aircraft, the study published in the Chinese-language journal Modern Defense Technology found the F-35 poses a more significant threat to Chinese military defenses. The research evaluated the impact of these aircraft during various stages of a counter-air operation near China’s coastline.

The study suggests that the F-35A, with its advanced avionics and multirole capabilities, is more adaptable and effective in potential conflicts in the Indo-Pacific region. Researchers noted that the F-35's ability to perform multiple functions and its versatility in various missions give it an edge over the F-22.

The F-35 has become a vital asset in the region due to its advanced technology and remarkable adaptability. The US and its allies operate many F-35s near China, whereas the F-22s are fewer in number and solely operated by the US Air Force, often on a rotational basis. By 2035, over 300 F-35s are expected to be deployed in the Indo-Pacific, with operators including Australia, Japan, Singapore, South Korea, and the US.

To counter the F-35 threat, Bao Junchen from the National University of Defense Technology and a team from the People’s Liberation Army’s Unit 31649 in Guangdong propose a dual strategy. They recommend enhancing electronic warfare capabilities for "soft kill" actions and developing physical weapons for "hard kill" responses. The F-35A's roles as both an intelligence-gathering sensor and a primary escort for forward attacks call for both non-destructive and destructive countermeasures.

China views the US’s penetrating counter-air operation strategy as a significant threat and is heavily investing in military capabilities to counteract US power in the Asia-Pacific. The US maintains a strong military presence in the region, with bases in Japan, South Korea, and Guam. In response, China has deployed advanced systems like the HQ-9 missile system and the J-20 stealth fighter, increasing production of the latter.

These weapons are intended to counter US air defenses and target high-value assets such as airfields and command centers. The study emphasizes that analyzing the F-22 and F-35 can help China develop effective countermeasures and protect its airspace. Additionally, the research advocates for a coordinated strategy to counter B-2 and B-1B bombers, which pose a threat when penetrating deeper into Chinese territory. A multi-dimensional approach using various platforms from air, land, sea, and space is recommended.

Although the study found the MQ-9 drone less threatening, it warned against ignoring advanced drones like the XQ-58A and RQ-180. The researchers used an analytic hierarchy process (AHP) to evaluate each aircraft’s threat level, offering a nuanced assessment. However, the lack of raw data due to military sensitivity makes independent verification challenging.

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