Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Russian Kazan Submarine Conducts Military Drills Near US Waters Amid Rising Tensions

The Russian missile frigate Admiral Gorshkov and the nuclear-powered Yasen-class cruise missile submarine Kazan recently conducted military exercises near Cuba, signaling to the West amid escalating tensions. The Russian Ministry of Defense announced on June 11 that these vessels were practicing the use of high-precision missile weapons in the Atlantic Ocean.

According to the Ministry, the tactical strike group, comprising the Kazan submarine and the Admiral Gorshkov frigate from the Northern Fleet, performed exercises targeting marine enemies over 600 kilometers away using computer simulations.

These drills coincided with Russia starting the second phase of tactical nuclear exercises with Belarus. Russian state media emphasized these maneuvers as a demonstration of Russia's global influence, countering Western views of its waning power. Reports indicate that the Russian flotilla was monitored by US and allied forces as it moved towards the Caribbean, at times nearing 30-90 miles from Florida.

The Russian vessels were welcomed in Cuba on June 12 for naval exercises set to last until June 17, emphasizing the historical friendship between the two nations. Despite the nuclear capabilities of these ships, Cuba clarified that they would not be armed with nuclear weapons during their stay. The US has stated that these exercises pose no direct threat.

This is not the first instance of Russian-Cuban military collaboration, with annual drills occurring from 2013 to 2020. Analysts note that the presence of the Kazan submarine, known for its stealth, could increase tensions despite US assurances. The Yasen-class submarines, including Kazan, are among the quietest and most sophisticated in the world, enhancing Russia’s defensive and deterrence capabilities.

Kazan, a Yasen-class submarine, is praised for its advanced technology and quiet operation, rivaling the US's modern submarine fleet. Designed by the Malakhit Marine Engineering Bureau and built by Sevmash Shipyard, the 13,800-ton vessel features a quieter nuclear reactor, additional sensors, and new quieting technologies. It is capable of carrying a range of missiles, including hypersonic ones, and can target enemy submarines, ships, ports, and naval bases.

US officials have acknowledged the increasing deployment of these submarines near US waters. Gen. Glen VanHerc of USNORTHCOM noted that Russia's Yasen-class submarines have been operating more frequently in both the Atlantic and the Pacific, posing a growing threat.

While the current exercises with Cuba are downplayed by US officials, military analysts express concerns about potential electronic warfare and intelligence gathering by hostile submarines. The deployment of Yasen-class submarines like Kazan in strategic locations could pose significant risks to the security of the US and its allies in Europe. 

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