Sunday, June 2, 2024

Taiwan Revives Advanced Frigate Program for Enhanced Defense in Taiwan Strait


Taiwan's military has decided to revive its "New Generation Frigate" program, driven by the defense needs of the Taiwan Strait. This decision was reported by local media LTN on May 25, 2024, citing a high-level government official. The new frigates are expected to have a displacement of 6,000 tons and will feature U.S.-made AN/SPY-7 active phased array radar. The official mentioned that the Taiwanese navy initially aimed to develop a 4,500-ton vessel with capabilities comparable to larger ships, but this proved overly optimistic.

According to another local source, UP MEDIA, the navy realized that a 4,500-ton vessel could not accommodate all the necessary weapon systems and equipment for modern warfare, including anti-air, anti-surface, and anti-submarine operations. The New Generation Frigate program was originally part of a 12-item force building plan announced by the Republic of China (ROC) Navy in 2016. At the 2017 TADTE defense exhibition, a scale model of the frigate was displayed, highlighting its enhanced joint operational capabilities and resilience against heavy attacks. However, there was confusion regarding whether the frigate would feature the Aegis Combat System, as the term was used inconsistently in various descriptions.

The U.S. has not confirmed if it will sell the Aegis Combat System to Taiwan, and the Taiwanese navy’s definition of “Aegis” remains unclear. For instance, in a 2018 parliamentary session, a deputy head of NCSIST explained that an “Aegis ship” refers to a warship equipped with an electronic scanning array (ESA).

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