Tuesday, June 25, 2024

U.S. Navy Prepares Compact Agile Interceptor for Hypersonic Missile Defense Tests

 The U.S. Navy is gearing up for flight tests of the Compact Agile Interceptor (CAI), a new surface-launched missile designed to enhance missile defense capabilities, especially against hypersonic threats. This compact interceptor aims to increase the number of missiles that can be packed into the Mark 41 Vertical Launch System (VLS) cells, addressing concerns over missile inventory size and VLS cell capacity. As the production of SM-6 and RIM-162 ESSM Block II missiles ramps up into the late 2020s, the Navy is focusing on optimizing space and performance.

The CAI is designed to fit multiple small diameter missiles into one Mark 41 VLS cell while maintaining the ability to intercept complex hypersonic raids. This addition will complement the existing SM-6 Dual I/II and SM-6 Block IB missiles, which are also capable of countering hypersonic threats.

A leading candidate for the CAI program is Lockheed Martin’s Patriot Advanced Capability 3 Missile Segment Enhancement (PAC-3 MSE). This missile, with a diameter of roughly 11.4 inches, has already been tested in a virtualized Aegis environment and has seen action in Ukraine against hypersonic missiles like the Kh-47M2 ‘Kinzhal’ and 3M22 ‘Zircon’. Despite its smaller diameter, Lockheed Martin aims to integrate it into the Navy's systems without major modifications, ruling out dual-packing for now.

According to U.S. Navy budget documents for FY2025, the propulsion concept for the CAI has been selected, and plans are underway to procure 2-3 flight test units this year. Various propulsion options, including highly loaded grain propellants and solid fuel ramjets, are being considered for the program.

While the PAC-3 MSE currently does not meet the dual-packing requirement, modifications to the control surfaces could allow it to fit two missiles per VLS cell, doubling the magazine capacity. Lockheed Martin has expressed interest in investing in the current missile capabilities rather than redesigning it extensively.

The exact propulsion system for the CAI remains undisclosed, but flight tests are scheduled to begin in FY2025, starting in October of this year.

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