Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Germany Expands Eurofighter Fleet with New Order of 20 Jets Amid Defense Boost

 Germany has announced plans to purchase an additional 20 Eurofighter combat aircraft, supplementing an existing order of 38 jets. This decision aims to strengthen the nation's defense capabilities and support the aerospace industry, according to Chancellor Olaf Scholz. The announcement was made on the first day of the Berlin Air Show, highlighting how the influx of defense funds, spurred by Russia's invasion of Ukraine, has revitalized the aerospace sector.

The new Eurofighters, with an estimated cost of €2 billion (approximately $2.2 billion), will ensure continuous production for Airbus, the aircraft manufacturer. Scholz hinted at potential future exports of the Eurofighter, developed in collaboration with the UK, Italy, and Spain, suggesting more orders could follow.

Besides these four core countries, the Eurofighter is also part of the air fleets of Austria, Saudi Arabia, Oman, Kuwait, and Qatar. However, exports to Middle Eastern nations with poor human rights records occasionally cause political tensions in Germany, and by extension, with other European co-producers who are less concerned about such issues. Germany's current stance allows Saudi Arabia to purchase additional Eurofighters through Britain as the intermediary.

Currently, Airbus is producing a batch of 38 Eurofighters in the Quadriga configuration, costing nearly $6 billion, with the final deliveries expected by 2030. Additionally, Germany is collaborating with France and Spain on the Future Combat Air System (FCAS), a next-generation aircraft projected to debut in 2040, though delays seem likely.

To mitigate potential setbacks with the FCAS program, Germany and France are enhancing their existing fleets—Germany with the Eurofighter and France with the Rafale—despite asserting that there is no substitute for the FCAS.

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