Thursday, June 13, 2024

How Truck-Mounted Howitzers Like Caesar and Atmos Revolutionize Modern Artillery in Ukraine

 French artillery engineers came up with a straightforward yet effective concept: mount a powerful gun on a truck to create cost-efficient, self-propelled artillery. This idea has proven highly effective on the Ukrainian battlefield, prompting Western militaries to reconsider their artillery strategies.

The ongoing conflict in Ukraine has underscored the importance of long-range artillery, a key focus at the Eurosatory defense show in Paris starting June 17. Charles Beaudouin, a retired French general and head of the event, emphasized the necessity for artillery mobility due to threats from drones and rapid counter-battery fire. He highlighted the KNDS France’s Caesar howitzer, mounted on a truck, as a prime example of this trend.

“The advantage of the wheeled cannon is its maximum efficiency,” Beaudouin told Defense News. “You lose nothing in terms of firepower, rate of fire, precision, or range, and you gain a nimble, stealthy vehicle.”

Beaudouin’s support for the Caesar is well-founded, as at least nine other countries, including the UK and Germany, have invested in self-propelled wheeled howitzers recently, influenced by the Ukrainian experience. Paul Daniels, a defense industry consultant, noted a growing focus on these systems due to their performance in Ukraine.

Modern battlefield threats like loitering munitions and precision-guided shells have highlighted the critical need for mobility, as demonstrated by the Israeli firm Elbit Systems’ Atmos howitzer. These systems can quickly move into position, fire multiple rounds, and relocate swiftly—a tactic known as “shoot and scoot.”

KNDS has reported increased interest in the Caesar, partly due to Russian soldiers’ reports of its effectiveness. The Caesar's agility allows it to evade Russian forces, making it particularly feared.

Drone surveillance in Ukraine has forced artillery crews to camouflage their positions or move immediately after firing to avoid retaliatory strikes. Gen. James Rainey of the U.S. Army Futures Command noted the future battlefield’s sensor saturation will make hiding nearly impossible. The U.S. Army is thus reconsidering its artillery modernization, looking at European wheeled howitzers for their range, mobility, and effectiveness.

Recent advancements in artillery technology have made wheeled systems like the Caesar and Atmos highly desirable. The U.S. Army tested these systems, along with others, for competitive evaluation in 2021, noting their longer range compared to current U.S. and Russian systems.

The demand for these systems has surged due to the immediate need highlighted by the conflict in Ukraine. European countries, among others, have turned to wheeled artillery for their mobility and survivability advantages. Eurosatory will showcase several of these systems, including the new Caesar MkII and various other models.

Truck-mounted artillery has gained global popularity, with countries like Turkey and China developing their own versions. Recent purchases by Belgium, Brazil, the UK, and Germany further underscore the trend towards wheeled systems.

The cost benefits of wheeled over tracked artillery are significant, with lower purchase, operation, and maintenance costs. Wheeled systems also offer greater mobility due to their lighter weight, enhancing their tactical advantages on the battlefield.

The Ukrainian conflict has demonstrated the effectiveness of wheeled artillery in a high-intensity war, with the Caesar and other similar systems proving their worth against traditional tracked artillery. This shift in military strategy highlights the evolving nature of modern warfare and the increasing importance of mobility and rapid response in artillery operations.

USS Connecticut Submarine Accident Highlights Detection Vulnerabilities in South China Sea


The USS Connecticut, a Seawolf-class nuclear attack submarine, encountered a significant mishap during a classified mission in October 2021, revealing vulnerabilities despite its advanced stealth technology. This incident, which took place in the South China Sea (SCS), led to extensive investigations aiming to uncover the reasons behind the accident.

On the fateful day, the USS Connecticut struck a seamount while cruising at high speed in the northern SCS, tarnishing the reputation of one of the US Navy's most powerful and expensive submarines. The incident prompted calls for a thorough investigation, especially given China's criticism of the US's opaqueness and irresponsibility regarding the event's specifics.

A recent Chinese study, led by engineer Li Yuhang of the 713th Research Institute of China State Shipbuilding Corporation, provided new insights. The researchers used real-world data from Chinese sensors in the SCS to examine water surface wakes. Published in the Chinese Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics on May 27, the study found that submarines like the SSN-22, traveling at depths of 100 meters and speeds over 20 knots, can create detectable surface ripples, potentially revealing their position.

This groundbreaking finding challenged previous assumptions about modern submarine invincibility and highlighted the delicate balance of power in the region. The study's results were the first to use real SCS data to systematically analyze the water surface response to submarine movement.

The US Navy's investigation into the accident identified multiple failures in navigation planning, execution, and risk management as the cause. The investigation revealed that the USS Connecticut’s navigation review team had failed to identify and mark at least ten underwater hazards and had incorrectly assessed the operating area as open. This led to a significant period of inactivity for the submarine due to damage, with eleven sailors sustaining minor injuries.

The incident also reignited US-China tensions over territorial claims in the South China Sea. On October 2, 2021, the USS Connecticut struck an object in international waters during China's National Day celebrations, coinciding with heightened military drills by the People's Liberation Army (PLA) near Taiwan. The PLA's air activity saw a significant increase, escalating tensions further.

Technological advancements in wake detection have also played a role in understanding the incident. Recent progress in AI and anti-submarine radar technology, including the development of a 6G radar capable of detecting minute submarine ripples, has improved the ability to locate submarines. Chinese researchers reported a 96 percent accuracy rate in detecting submarine wakes using AI, highlighting the growing sophistication of detection systems.

In conclusion, the USS Connecticut's collision has underscored the evolving dynamics of undersea warfare, where stealth alone is no longer sufficient. The incident has marked a significant moment in the race for technological superiority in the challenging environment of the South China Sea, influencing the future of submarine operations.

Ukraine Targets Russian Air Defenses in Preparation for F-16 Fighter Jet Arrival


Ukrainian forces are ramping up efforts to degrade Russian air defense systems in anticipation of receiving F-16 fighter jets later this year, according to the latest analysis by the Institute for the Study of War (ISW). The June 12 report from the US-based think tank highlights Ukraine's strategic campaign to weaken Russian defenses, potentially allowing for more effective use of manned fixed-wing aircraft in the ongoing conflict.

The assessment details recent Ukrainian military actions targeting critical Russian air defense installations. On the night of June 11-12, Ukrainian forces successfully struck an S-300 air defense battery and two S-400 batteries near the occupied areas of Belbek and Sevastopol in Crimea. Geolocated images released on June 12 confirm the damage, including the destruction of an S-400 radar system south of occupied Dzhankoi and damaged S-300 assets north of occupied Yevpatoria. These strikes support earlier reports from Ukraine’s General Staff about successful attacks on Russian air defense assets.

Kostiantyn Nemichev, founder of the Kraken Regiment of Defense Intelligence of Ukraine (DIU), confirmed on June 12 that Ukrainian forces used HIMARS to destroy four Russian S-300 systems in Belgorod Oblast. Although Nemichev did not specify the exact dates, this action caused Russia to redeploy air defense assets from Crimea to Belgorod Oblast in early June 2024, reducing air defense coverage around Crimea.

Additionally, DIU spokesperson Andrii Yusov corrected earlier reports about drone strikes on the Akhtubinsk air base in Astrakhan Oblast, clarifying on June 12 that two Russian Su-57 fighter aircraft were damaged between June 7-8, not just one as initially reported. The S-300/S-400 air defense systems and Su-57 fighters are crucial for Russia’s efforts to restrict Ukrainian air operations and support its offensive activities in Ukraine.

The ISW assessment suggests these Ukrainian strikes are part of a broader strategy to weaken Russian air defenses before the planned delivery of F-16 fighter jets to Ukraine, expected to start in small quantities during the summer and fall of 2024. The report states, “Ukrainian forces may seek to actively degrade Russian air defenses before Ukraine receives a significant number of aircraft in order to set conditions for Ukraine’s future use of manned fixed-wing airpower closer to frontline areas.”

ISW believes that successful weakening of Russian air defenses, combined with sufficient fighter jets and trained pilots, could enable Ukraine to integrate fixed-wing aircraft more effectively to support ground forces.

Challenges for Ukraine Belgium, Denmark, the Netherlands, and Norway have pledged to supply Ukraine with over 80 US-made F-16 fighter jets to strengthen its defense against Russian attacks. The addition of these F-16s will significantly enhance Ukraine’s air-to-air and air-to-ground capabilities. However, the war has shown that no single platform, even one as capable as the F-16, can single-handedly secure victory for Ukraine. The critical factor will be how these aircraft are integrated into a broader combat strategy.

Experts have noted that Ukrainian pilots who are not well-versed in proper tactics for using these advanced fighters will not fully benefit from the capabilities of a fourth-generation aircraft. Retired US Air Force Brigadier General John Teichert explained that the US approach to deploying new weapons involves extensive education, training, and combat exercises to ensure proficiency. While Ukrainian pilots are being trained to operate these fighters, achieving the same level of proficiency as American aviators in the near term will be nearly impossible.

Moreover, the issue of pilot training has recently come to the forefront. Western officials have indicated that Ukraine will continue to face material and training constraints, likely preventing it from utilizing fixed-wing airpower on a large scale in 2024. Both Ukrainian and Western officials have stated that it will take considerable time to adequately train enough Ukrainian pilots and equip Ukrainian forces with the approximately 150 F-16s needed to achieve air superiority to support ground operations.

Yet, Ukrainian officials have outlined their plans to use F-16s and other fixed-wing aircraft to limit Russian aviation activities. Ukrainian Air Force Spokesperson Ilya Yevlash mentioned that just two F-16 squadrons, roughly 18 aircraft, could significantly impact the situation in Ukrainian airspace.

The ISW noted, “These restraints should not fundamentally constrain Ukraine’s ability to leverage airpower at scale in the long run, however, should Ukraine’s Western partners lean into supporting Ukraine’s air domain and deep strike capabilities.”

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

US Military’s V-22 Osprey Fleet to Resume Full Operations by Mid-2025


The U.S. military's fleet of over 400 V-22 Osprey tiltrotor aircraft is not expected to return to full flight operations until at least mid-2025, as stated by a Navy admiral during a House Oversight subcommittee meeting. Vice Adm. Carl Chebi, head of Naval Air Systems Command, which oversees Ospreys for the Air Force, Navy, and Marine Corps, mentioned that a review assessing manning, training, and equipment adequacy will continue for another six to nine months. He assured lawmakers that findings from this comprehensive review will guide actions to ensure safe flight operations.

The Osprey fleet began a gradual return to service with flight restrictions in early March, three months after being grounded due to a fatal Air Force CV-22 crash off Japan's coast. This crash, which killed all eight airmen on board, led to a suspension of operations in early December.

The V-22 Osprey's unique capability to operate both as an airplane and a helicopter makes it ideal for aircraft carrier landings and special operations in challenging environments. The Marine Corps operates the majority of these aircraft, with the Air Force and Navy having around 50 and 30, respectively. Some Marine Ospreys have already resumed activity; for instance, ten aircraft from Marine Medium Tiltrotor Squadron 268 were sent to Hawaii for a training exercise in Australia, and others are being used in Sweden for Exercise Baltic Operations.

Despite the partial resumption, the Navy's CMV-22 fleet remains grounded for carrier support missions. Current restrictions prevent Ospreys from flying more than 30 minutes from a potential emergency landing site. Meanwhile, crews at Cannon Air Force Base in New Mexico are preparing to restore their operational capabilities, and other squadrons are also nearing readiness.

An investigation into the Air Force's CV-22 crash on November 29 is almost complete, with family briefings expected soon. The crash was attributed to a material failure previously unseen in the Osprey fleet.

Since their introduction over two decades ago, Ospreys have experienced several fatal accidents, including four incidents since March 2022, resulting in 20 service members' deaths. These issues led to fleet-wide groundings in 2022 and 2023 due to premature wear in the input quill assembly, which connects the engine to the proprotor gearbox.

Vice Adm. Chebi and Gary Kurtz, the program executive officer for anti-submarine, assault, and special mission programs, informed lawmakers that testing for a redesigned clutch is imminent. They anticipate the new clutch will be fielded by mid-2025.

First Images of US Navy's Orca XLUUV with Payload Module Revealed


For the first time, images have emerged showing the U.S. Navy's Orca Extra Large Uncrewed Undersea Vehicle (XLUUV) equipped with its payload section. This significant development was highlighted in a LinkedIn post by the former Commodore of UUVRON-1, marking the first time the Orca has been seen with its payload insert. The new images underscore the substantial size of the Orca.

Boeing delivered the initial Orca XLUUV to the U.S. Navy in December 2023, and it is currently undergoing rigorous testing. Five additional units are slated for delivery this year.

According to H I Sutton, an OSINT and submarine expert contributing to Naval News, the insertable payload module offers versatile mission capabilities. It includes large hatches potentially designed for mine-laying missions, and configurations that could allow for the launch and recovery of smaller underwater vehicles.

Sutton estimates on his blog that the Orca measures approximately 25.9 meters in length with the payload module, compared to 15.5 meters without it.

About Orca XLUUV:

The Orca XLUUV is an Extra Large Unmanned Undersea Vehicle developed as part of the U.S. Navy’s UUV Family of Systems to meet a Joint Emergent Operational Need. The current model is about 85 feet (26 meters) long, has a displacement of around 85 tons, and utilizes a diesel-electric propulsion system providing a range of 6,000 nautical miles.

The vehicle features a modular payload bay measuring approximately 400 inches (10 meters) in length with an 8-ton capacity. This bay has defined interfaces for current and future payloads, such as the Hammerhead.

US Navy's Efforts:

The US Navy’s Unmanned Undersea Vehicles Squadron One (UUVRON-1) is developing and documenting tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs) for the Orca XLUUV. According to the Navy’s budget documents, facilities at Naval Base Ventura County are being updated for CONUS XLUUV testing, training, and work-ups.

The Navy is also working on establishing infrastructure to support XLUUV basing, fleet integration, and forward operational capability overseas. This includes support platforms, trailers, maintenance equipment, and ashore hardware.

Upon completing government testing in FY25, the US Navy might exercise three production options for additional vehicles in FY26, transitioning to an Acquisition Category (ACAT) Program.

Russian Kazan Submarine Conducts Military Drills Near US Waters Amid Rising Tensions

The Russian missile frigate Admiral Gorshkov and the nuclear-powered Yasen-class cruise missile submarine Kazan recently conducted military exercises near Cuba, signaling to the West amid escalating tensions. The Russian Ministry of Defense announced on June 11 that these vessels were practicing the use of high-precision missile weapons in the Atlantic Ocean.

According to the Ministry, the tactical strike group, comprising the Kazan submarine and the Admiral Gorshkov frigate from the Northern Fleet, performed exercises targeting marine enemies over 600 kilometers away using computer simulations.

These drills coincided with Russia starting the second phase of tactical nuclear exercises with Belarus. Russian state media emphasized these maneuvers as a demonstration of Russia's global influence, countering Western views of its waning power. Reports indicate that the Russian flotilla was monitored by US and allied forces as it moved towards the Caribbean, at times nearing 30-90 miles from Florida.

The Russian vessels were welcomed in Cuba on June 12 for naval exercises set to last until June 17, emphasizing the historical friendship between the two nations. Despite the nuclear capabilities of these ships, Cuba clarified that they would not be armed with nuclear weapons during their stay. The US has stated that these exercises pose no direct threat.

This is not the first instance of Russian-Cuban military collaboration, with annual drills occurring from 2013 to 2020. Analysts note that the presence of the Kazan submarine, known for its stealth, could increase tensions despite US assurances. The Yasen-class submarines, including Kazan, are among the quietest and most sophisticated in the world, enhancing Russia’s defensive and deterrence capabilities.

Kazan, a Yasen-class submarine, is praised for its advanced technology and quiet operation, rivaling the US's modern submarine fleet. Designed by the Malakhit Marine Engineering Bureau and built by Sevmash Shipyard, the 13,800-ton vessel features a quieter nuclear reactor, additional sensors, and new quieting technologies. It is capable of carrying a range of missiles, including hypersonic ones, and can target enemy submarines, ships, ports, and naval bases.

US officials have acknowledged the increasing deployment of these submarines near US waters. Gen. Glen VanHerc of USNORTHCOM noted that Russia's Yasen-class submarines have been operating more frequently in both the Atlantic and the Pacific, posing a growing threat.

While the current exercises with Cuba are downplayed by US officials, military analysts express concerns about potential electronic warfare and intelligence gathering by hostile submarines. The deployment of Yasen-class submarines like Kazan in strategic locations could pose significant risks to the security of the US and its allies in Europe. 

NATO Fighter Pilots Hone Dogfighting Skills Amid Rising Tensions with Russia

Last week, over three dozen fighter pilots from nine NATO countries gathered at Ramstein Air Base in Germany for a unique U.S.-led exercise focused on sharpening air-to-air combat skills and enhancing coordination among allies. The "Ramstein 1v1" event saw pilots from the U.S., U.K., Norway, Netherlands, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, and Germany engage in basic fighter maneuvers, commonly known as dogfighting. This high-stakes exercise required pilots to make rapid decisions and demonstrate quick reflexes, utilizing a variety of aircraft, including F-35A Lightning IIs, F-16 Fighting Falcons, Eurofighter Typhoons, French Rafales, F/A-18 Hornets, and A-4 Skyhawks.

This event marked a first for the U.S. Air Forces in Europe, transforming Ramstein, typically a military airlift hub, into a fighter base for the day. Lt. Col. Michael Loringer, USAFE’s chief of weapons and tactics, emphasized the importance of such exercises for building fundamental combat skills, reaction time, physical stamina, and situational awareness. He noted that one-on-one dogfighting is critical for building trust in both a pilot's abilities and their aircraft.

The exercise took place as Russia continues to gain ground in Ukraine, in the third year of the conflict. This context has heightened the focus of the U.S. military and its allies on improving aerial combat skills to prepare for potential conflicts with advanced air forces from Russia and China.

In line with these preparations, the Air Force revived the "William Tell" aerial shooter competition last September after a nearly two-decade hiatus due to high operational demands in the Middle East. Air Combat Command has indicated plans for a 2025 William Tell competition, though dates are not yet confirmed. Additionally, NATO pilots will apply their refined offensive and defensive maneuvers at the upcoming Ramstein Flag exercise in Greece at the end of 2024, according to USAFE Commander Gen. James Hecker.

Despite the preparations, Gen. Hecker expressed a desire to avoid conflict with Russia, stressing the importance of having capable forces to deter aggression. The recent exercise at Ramstein also highlighted cooperation and mutual support among NATO allies. U.S. airmen from RAF Lakenheath in England supported the Royal Norwegian Air Force's F-35s, while the 86th Airlift Wing at Ramstein managed installation support and flight operations.

The exercise emphasized readiness and trust-building, culminating in a day of flying and a piano burning ceremony to honor fallen fighter pilots, a tradition dating back to World War II. Lt. Col. Loringer underscored the significance of trust and teamwork, noting that successful military operations often depend on these critical elements.