Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Italian Navy Deploys Carrier Strike Group for Five-Month Indo-Pacific Mission


The Italian Navy's Carrier Strike Group, led by the Cavour (CVH 550) STOVL aircraft carrier and accompanied by the Alpino (F 594) Bergamini-class frigate, embarked on a five-month deployment to the Indo-Pacific region on June 1st. This mission was confirmed by Italian Navy Chief of Staff Admiral Enrico Credendino at the Conference Navale de Paris in January, though the Ministry of Defense has not released detailed information.

During this deployment, the Carrier Strike Group will visit around ten countries and ports, traveling through the Mediterranean Sea, Indian Ocean, Red Sea, and Gulf of Aden to reach the Pacific. The group will operate in the Indo-Pacific for approximately two months before returning to Italy, making stops in Southeast Asia, India, and the Middle East.

Admiral Credendino emphasized that the Cavour Carrier Strike Group is a versatile tool for projecting power globally, maintaining sea control, and ensuring open sea lines of communication. The deployment will achieve initial operating capability (IOC) for the Italian Navy’s fifth-generation aircraft, enhancing interoperability with allies.

The Cavour carries an air group including Lockheed Martin F-35B Lightning IIs, Boeing AV-8B Harrier II Plus aircraft, and NH90 helicopters, totaling more than a dozen assets, with expectations of increased numbers during the mission. The Alpino frigate provides anti-submarine warfare capabilities, and the group will expand with NATO, EU, and allied naval assets, including Spanish and French frigates.

The Italian Carrier Strike Group will engage in naval diplomacy, promote Italian industry, and collaborate with NATO and local navies. Highlights include the biennial Pitch Black exercise in Australia, interactions with the US Armed Forces in the Central Pacific, and engagements with the Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force. The group will visit the Philippines, Indonesia, Singapore, India, Oman, Pakistan, and Saudi Arabia before returning to Italy in early November.

This mission is crucial for evaluating and qualifying the capabilities of the fifth-generation F-35Bs, aiming to reach IOC by the end of 2024, which is significant for both the Italian Navy and NATO.

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