Wednesday, June 5, 2024

MBDA Germany Unveils New Long-Range Cruise Missile for Future Combat Air System at Berlin Air Show

 As the European next-generation fighter program, the Future Combat Air System (FCAS), led by France, Germany, and Spain, continues to develop, MBDA Germany has introduced a conceptual standoff-range cruise missile that may become a key component of FCAS.

According to Flight Global, the new missile concept, named ‘remote carrier multi-domain multi-role effector’ (RCM²), was revealed at the ILA Berlin Air Show. The missile is expected to have a strike range exceeding 500 kilometers.

A replica of the approximately 4-meter-long design is on display at the FCAS exhibit at the ILA Berlin Air Show, which began on June 5 and will continue until June 9.

Thomas Gottschild, managing director of MBDA Germany, stated that the RCM² would be suitable for various missions, with performance comparable to the current Taurus cruise missile.

The Taurus missile is known for its long range of about 500 kilometers, advanced navigation systems, and high accuracy. Its terrain-contour matching navigation system makes it less susceptible to electronic jamming, and its extended range enhances the safety of fighter jet pilots. However, Gottschild emphasized that the RCM² would offer additional capabilities, such as carrying different payloads, including a kinetic warhead or electronic combat and jamming tools, making it versatile for various scenarios.

Without an extended booster, the RCM² is expected to have a launch weight under 340 kilograms. It will be equipped with an imaging infrared seeker, an inertial navigation system, and a turbofan engine.

This missile's unveiling comes at a time when FCAS is gaining momentum after experiencing delays and difficulties among the three partner nations. Gottschild also mentioned a joint project with Rheinmetall to develop a small anti-drone missile.

Furthermore, Gottschild has urged Germany to consider integrating the Meteor air-to-air missile from MBDA with its incoming fleet of 35 Lockheed Martin F-35A aircraft.

MBDA was not the only company to make headlines at the Berlin Air Show. Airbus revealed a full-sized model of its futuristic unmanned wingman concept aircraft and announced a new collaboration with German AI startup Helsing to develop AI capabilities for the airframe.

The new aircraft, known as Wingman, is designed to meet the evolving operational needs of the German Air Force. According to Airbus, it will operate alongside manned combat aircraft, such as the Eurofighter Typhoon, to enhance capability and maintain air superiority. The Wingman will be controlled by a manned fighter jet pilot, adhering to human-in-the-loop protocols.

Additionally, Chancellor Olaf Scholz announced that Germany would purchase several Eurofighter Typhoons.

Italian Navy Deploys Carrier Strike Group for Five-Month Indo-Pacific Mission


The Italian Navy's Carrier Strike Group, led by the Cavour (CVH 550) STOVL aircraft carrier and accompanied by the Alpino (F 594) Bergamini-class frigate, embarked on a five-month deployment to the Indo-Pacific region on June 1st. This mission was confirmed by Italian Navy Chief of Staff Admiral Enrico Credendino at the Conference Navale de Paris in January, though the Ministry of Defense has not released detailed information.

During this deployment, the Carrier Strike Group will visit around ten countries and ports, traveling through the Mediterranean Sea, Indian Ocean, Red Sea, and Gulf of Aden to reach the Pacific. The group will operate in the Indo-Pacific for approximately two months before returning to Italy, making stops in Southeast Asia, India, and the Middle East.

Admiral Credendino emphasized that the Cavour Carrier Strike Group is a versatile tool for projecting power globally, maintaining sea control, and ensuring open sea lines of communication. The deployment will achieve initial operating capability (IOC) for the Italian Navy’s fifth-generation aircraft, enhancing interoperability with allies.

The Cavour carries an air group including Lockheed Martin F-35B Lightning IIs, Boeing AV-8B Harrier II Plus aircraft, and NH90 helicopters, totaling more than a dozen assets, with expectations of increased numbers during the mission. The Alpino frigate provides anti-submarine warfare capabilities, and the group will expand with NATO, EU, and allied naval assets, including Spanish and French frigates.

The Italian Carrier Strike Group will engage in naval diplomacy, promote Italian industry, and collaborate with NATO and local navies. Highlights include the biennial Pitch Black exercise in Australia, interactions with the US Armed Forces in the Central Pacific, and engagements with the Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force. The group will visit the Philippines, Indonesia, Singapore, India, Oman, Pakistan, and Saudi Arabia before returning to Italy in early November.

This mission is crucial for evaluating and qualifying the capabilities of the fifth-generation F-35Bs, aiming to reach IOC by the end of 2024, which is significant for both the Italian Navy and NATO.

Germany Expands Eurofighter Fleet with New Order of 20 Jets Amid Defense Boost

 Germany has announced plans to purchase an additional 20 Eurofighter combat aircraft, supplementing an existing order of 38 jets. This decision aims to strengthen the nation's defense capabilities and support the aerospace industry, according to Chancellor Olaf Scholz. The announcement was made on the first day of the Berlin Air Show, highlighting how the influx of defense funds, spurred by Russia's invasion of Ukraine, has revitalized the aerospace sector.

The new Eurofighters, with an estimated cost of €2 billion (approximately $2.2 billion), will ensure continuous production for Airbus, the aircraft manufacturer. Scholz hinted at potential future exports of the Eurofighter, developed in collaboration with the UK, Italy, and Spain, suggesting more orders could follow.

Besides these four core countries, the Eurofighter is also part of the air fleets of Austria, Saudi Arabia, Oman, Kuwait, and Qatar. However, exports to Middle Eastern nations with poor human rights records occasionally cause political tensions in Germany, and by extension, with other European co-producers who are less concerned about such issues. Germany's current stance allows Saudi Arabia to purchase additional Eurofighters through Britain as the intermediary.

Currently, Airbus is producing a batch of 38 Eurofighters in the Quadriga configuration, costing nearly $6 billion, with the final deliveries expected by 2030. Additionally, Germany is collaborating with France and Spain on the Future Combat Air System (FCAS), a next-generation aircraft projected to debut in 2040, though delays seem likely.

To mitigate potential setbacks with the FCAS program, Germany and France are enhancing their existing fleets—Germany with the Eurofighter and France with the Rafale—despite asserting that there is no substitute for the FCAS.

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

China's Expanding 'Carrier Killer' Missiles: A Strategic Threat to US Naval Dominance

 In the midst of global tensions, China's military posturing towards Taiwan intensifies, paralleled by Russia's war against Ukraine. Recently, China's "Joint Sword – 2024A" exercises followed closely after Lai Ching-te's inauguration as Taiwan's President, whom Beijing labels a "separatist."

During these drills, warships patrolled near Taiwan's coast, signaling potential invasion threats that could disrupt the technology supply chain, trigger economic crises, and escalate to a US-China conflict. Beijing justified the drills as a response to Lai's assertion that Taiwan and China are "not subordinate to each other." Taiwan's defense forces tracked 49 Chinese aircraft, 19 naval ships, and 7 coast guard vessels near its waters, indicating the growing threat. Most of these ships were frigates and corvettes with lighter weapon loads.

As tensions rise, the US is preparing for potential conflict. A delegation of US lawmakers has shown support for Taiwan in response to China's extensive military drills. In April 2024, Rear Adm. Mike Studeman, a former US Navy intelligence leader, warned that China's military is preparing for an invasion or blockade of Taiwan within the next decade.

China insists that nations cannot maintain official relations with both China and Taiwan, leading Taiwan to have formal diplomatic ties with only a few countries. The US, while being Taiwan's most crucial ally, does not officially recognize Taiwan, adhering to the one-China principle.

Comparison of Naval Capabilities

As of 2024, China has the world's second-largest navy by total displacement, following the US Navy, and the largest number of active service ships. A report from the US Congressional Research Service highlights that China's navy is the largest in East Asia and surpassed the US Navy in battle force ships between 2015 and 2020. Currently, China has over 370 battle force platforms, including major surface combatants, submarines, amphibious ships, mine warfare ships, aircraft carriers, and fleet auxiliaries. By 2025, this force is projected to grow to 395 ships, reaching 435 by 2030.

China operates two aircraft carriers, the Liaoning and Shandong, with the third and most advanced, the Fujian, starting sea trials in May 2024. In contrast, the US Navy had 292 battle force ships as of January 29, 2024, with a projected fleet of 290 ships by FY2030.

In a potential naval conflict, China would need to reposition military assets to its eastern coast and prepare for an invasion, while using its anti-ship firepower to keep US warships at bay. China's arsenal of anti-ship missiles (ASMs) is central to its strategy to deny US forces access to the Western Pacific.

China’s Anti-Ship Missiles (ASM)

China has significantly expanded its anti-ship ballistic missiles (ASBMs), sometimes called "carrier killers." Key missiles in China’s arsenal include the YJ-12, YJ-18, YJ-83, DF-21, and DF-26.

YJ-83: A modern addition to China's anti-ship arsenal, deployed on surface ships and multirole aircraft. It’s a smaller, shorter-range missile typically housed in box launchers on Chinese frigates and corvettes.

YJ-18: A cruise missile for anti-ship and land-attack roles, derived from the Russian 3M-54E "Klub" missile, and the only widely deployed ASM that can be launched from vertical launch cells. It’s installed on large surface combatants and submarines.

YJ-12: Compatible with various platforms, including bombers and coastal launchers, the YJ-12 can engage warships from long distances.

DF-26: An Intermediate-Range Ballistic Missile (IRBM) that provides high speed and long range, earning the "carrier killer" nickname. It can target beyond aircraft carriers.

DF-21D: A medium-range ballistic missile operational since 2012, designed specifically to target ships at sea, reaching speeds up to Mach 10 during the terminal phase.

China's anti-ship missile capabilities aim to deny US warships access to the region, leveraging Taiwan's proximity to offset American naval dominance.

Taiwan's Strategic Position

As tensions over Taiwan escalate, its strategic position within the "first island chain" becomes crucial. Controlling this link would bolster China's influence in the Western Pacific, challenge US dominance, and give Beijing control over Taiwan's semiconductor manufacturing industry. Given Taiwan's role in maritime trade routes and its semiconductor industry, neither the US nor its allies can afford to let Taiwan fall into Beijing's orbit.

China's Rapid Naval Expansion: Five Type 052DM Destroyers Outfitted Simultaneously

In a recent sighting at the Dalian Shipyard, keen observers captured footage of five Type 052DM destroyers being outfitted simultaneously. Experts note that while simultaneous outfitting is standard, this feat is comparable to the U.S. military’s two-year destroyer and shipbuilding plan. Remarkably, China achieves this in just one dock. These destroyers will undergo sea trials and develop combat capabilities before beginning military missions, likely by mid-next year.

The Type 052DM destroyer represents the "final form" of the 052D series, distinct from the "extended version" 052DL. The most notable upgrade in the 052DM is the replacement of the older 364 rapid response radar with an active phased array radar in the X-band. Additionally, the ship's internal electrical systems and anti-submarine sonar have been upgraded. For a destroyer with a full load displacement of 7,500 tons, such upgrades indicate its capacity for additional equipment is nearly maxed out, posing challenges for future enhancements.

Despite these limitations, the 052D destroyer boasts impressive combat capabilities. The 052D project faced significant technical challenges during the 2011 “0.55 million-ton large-scale propulsion project,” aimed at addressing external pressures. This effort led to the integration of modern equipment from the 055 destroyer with the 052C hull platform. Consequently, missiles from the 052D series can now be launched from 055 destroyers, thanks to shared main radar and vertical launch systems. For instance, the YJ-21 anti-ship missile can now be deployed from both the Type 055 and Type 052D destroyers.

Derived from the technological advancements of the 055 destroyer, the 052D's technical prowess is ranked just below the esteemed 055 on a global scale by Chinese experts, despite the U.S. Navy’s Arleigh Burke Flight III having a displacement advantage. In terms of air defense and anti-missile systems, the 052D is limited by its fewer vertical launch units, impacting its firepower sustainability. However, in other operational areas, the 052D matches the Arleigh Burke Flight III, including anti-missile defenses and ground attacks. Chinese officials have previously highlighted the 052D’s upgraded functionality, which now includes ground-attack cruise missiles.

Estimates suggest that the fleet of 052D destroyers could ultimately exceed 50 units, complementing the 055 destroyers in a "strong and weak match" strategy. The robust shipbuilding orders for the 052D are driven by its significant cost advantages, both in production and operational costs, without compromising on performance compared to international warships. Using a diesel engine for economical speeds significantly reduces costs compared to fully fuel-powered vessels.

The 052D destroyer is tasked with medium-to-high-level military missions, while missions like anti-piracy and routine cruises are typically assigned to the 054A frigates and offshore vessels, offering great mission flexibility. 

Airbus Unveils Stealthy Wingman Drone Concept to Transform Aerial Combat Dynamics


European aerospace giant Airbus has introduced its innovative fighter-like stealth Wingman drone concept, set to be showcased at the International Aerospace Exhibition ILA in Berlin.

Airbus announced on June 3 that it will reveal the Wingman concept at ILA Berlin on June 5. This stealth drone is designed to revolutionize aerial combat by acting as an unmanned counterpart to manned fighter jets like the Eurofighter, providing support and protection.

The Wingman concept resembles a traditional wingman in military aviation but operates as an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV). Controlled by pilots in manned aircraft, the Wingman is engineered for high-risk missions, enhancing the capabilities of manned jets while reducing risks to human pilots. The design features low observability, a range of armaments, advanced sensors, connectivity, and teaming solutions.

Airbus describes the 1:1 model of the Wingman, to be displayed at ILA from June 5 to 9, as similar to a "show car" used in the automotive industry for design exercises. This model serves as a foundation to shape the design requirements for future generations of the Wingman.

The Wingman is designed with sharply angled wings, leading-edge extensions, a distinctive chine line along the fuselage, and canards to improve maneuverability. Airbus envisions it performing tasks such as engaging targets with precision-guided munitions, jamming, and reconnaissance. It may also include ventral payload bays for various missions.

Control of missions will remain with pilots in manned aircraft, who will make final decisions while benefiting from the protection and reduced risk offered by delegating tasks to the UAV.

Michael Schoellhorn, CEO of Airbus Defence and Space, emphasized the Wingman as a viable solution for the German Air Force, which needs unmanned aircraft to support manned fighter missions before the Future Combat Air System becomes operational in 2040. Airbus aims to develop a cost-effective and high-performing solution to enhance the German fighter fleet by the 2030s.

Aviation journalist Gareth Jennings noted that the Wingman concept builds on Airbus's Low Observable UAV Testbed (LOUT) program, initiated in 2019 to explore stealth design principles and advanced technologies.

The unveiling of the Wingman concept marks a significant step in Airbus's efforts to deploy UAVs alongside manned fighter jets. German officials have already proposed an unmanned Electronic Combat Wingman (ECW) to work with the crewed Typhoon EK aircraft, replacing the aging Tornado ECR jets used for electronic warfare.

Meanwhile, Germany and France are collaborating on the Future Combat Air System, with Airbus playing a key role in developing a 6th-generation fighter for operational deployment in 2040, potentially integrating a loyal wingman UAV.

US Navy Tests Air-Launched SM-6 Missile on F/A-18 Super Hornet Amid Rising Threats


The U.S. Navy’s Air Test and Evaluation Squadron VX-9 “Vampires” has been observed testing the RIM-174 ERAM (SM-6) missile on one of their F/A-18 Super Hornets once again. Stationed at Naval Air Weapons Station (NAWS) China Lake, VX-9 operates a diverse fleet including F/A-18E/F Super Hornets, EA-18G Growlers, and F-35C Lightning IIs.

Previously, in 2021, a VX-31 F/A-18F was seen carrying an inert SM-6 without its MK72 first-stage booster, leading to speculation about the missile's potential as a new long-range air-to-air weapon. This idea was reinforced by Raytheon’s classified Long-Range Engagement Weapon (LREW) program for the U.S. Air Force and Navy, which aims to develop advanced long-range air-to-air missile technology. The LREW program incorporates proven components from existing systems with new technologies to enhance performance, involving system design validation, wind tunnel testing, engineering assessments, and kill chain investigations.

Although the LREW project transitioned entirely to the U.S. Air Force in 2019, with Raytheon receiving a contract in 2022, the U.S. Navy has continued its efforts to integrate a long-range air-to-air weapon for its fighter fleet. Recently, a VX-9 Super Hornet was spotted carrying an inert SM-6 missile, as captured by aviation photographer @StinkPlove on social media platform X. The orange and gray SM-6 was mounted on the Super Hornet’s number 7 pylon.

This push for air-launched SM-6 capability aligns with the development of new long-range air-to-air weapons by the PLA Air Force, such as the PL-15 and PL-17, which surpass the range of current U.S. Navy air-to-air weapons. The surface-to-air version of the SM-6 achieves ranges of 130 nautical miles (240 km), with estimates suggesting potential ranges up to 250 nautical miles (463 km) for an air-launched variant. This enhancement would significantly extend the reach of a Carrier Air Wing (CAW), enabling it to engage distant targets more effectively.

The SM-6 utilizes an X-band receiver for guidance, making it compatible with the AN/APG-79 radar on the F/A-18E/F and the AN/APG-81 AESA radar on the F-35C. In operational scenarios, forward-based F-35C fighters could guide the missiles to their targets, while Super Hornets, launching from safer distances, could provide the firepower. The Super Hornets can also transmit fire control data via the Navy’s Naval Integrated Fire Control–Counter Air (NIFC-CA) datalink system.

An air-launched SM-6 capability would add another high-speed, long-range strike option for surface and land targets, enhancing the versatility of the U.S. Navy’s CAWs. This addition to the weapons portfolio would offer more flexibility for time-sensitive land attacks and maritime strikes, expanding the operational capabilities of fighter aircraft.